
Tips to Survive Your Thanksgiving Weekend Long-Haul

Working over Thanksgiving weekend stinks, especially if you’re driving a long truck route. Moose Jaw Truck Shop understands why the drivers hit the road, however. Despite the time away from their families, they need the money. This is understandable, especially in today’s economy. Here are some tips to help you survive your Thanksgiving weekend long-haul.

Call Your Family Every Night

When you’re done driving for the night and you have found a place to park your rig, call your family so you can talk with everyone. It’s natural to miss your family over any weekend, but it’s particularly difficult to be away from your family during a holiday weekend. See everybody by using the video chat option on your smartphone. This lets you enjoy the conversation as if you were actually there.

Consider the Extra Money You’re Making

We hope that you are getting paid extra to drive over Thanksgiving weekend. If you are, calculate the extra money that you are making and keep this number in your mind. It may sound shallow, but knowing that you are helping your family pay the bills and possibly even have a nicer holiday can make the drive more tolerable. Think about how the extra money will help your family.

Stay Alert Behind the Wheel

As always, it’s important to stay alert behind the wheel. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep yourself hydrated and take plenty of breaks. Hopefully, the water will necessitate a need for frequent bathroom breaks that will allow you to get out of your rig, stretch your legs, and walk around. This keeps your senses and reflexes sharp to help you avoid accidents.

Be Patient and Know You’ll Hit Traffic

Unfortunately, you are going to hit traffic when you are driving over Thanksgiving weekend. As such, it’s important that you mentally prepare yourself for the traffic jams and increase your patience level. There’s nothing you can do to avoid this, so it’s better to take a deep breath and try not to let it get to you. You will also be dealing with crazy Thanksgiving drivers who are in a rush.

Pack a Thanksgiving Meal Just for You

Finally, pack a Thanksgiving meal that you can eat on Thanksgiving Day. In fact, video chat with your family while they are enjoying their meal so it is as if you are eating together.

Another thing that is important to make your Thanksgiving weekend haul more tolerable is to have your rig inspected by Moose Jaw Truck Shop in Moose Jaw, SK, to make sure you can count on it all weekend long. Call us today for an appointment.

Photo by 5m3photos from Getty Images Pro via Canva Pro

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