We are headed quickly towards summer and the mercury is rising. This can make driving a long-haul route miserable, especially if you are driving through the southwest portion of the United States. Moose Jock Truck Shop can make sure your rig is ready for the long haul by inspecting it from top to bottom. We can also make certain that you stay cool inside the cab by inspecting the air conditioning system. Let’s talk more about ways you can keep cool on your routes below.
Stay Hydrated
One of the most important things you can do to keep your body temperature down is to ensure that you remain hydrated while you are driving. Yes, this may mean frequent rest area stops, but it’s important to consume as much water as possible while you are driving in hot weather. You’ll note we said water. This is the best way to stay hydrated. Caffeinated beverages and sodas do not hydrate your body as well as water does, so drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep cooler.
Snack on Fruit
One way to get extra water is to snack on fruit rather than junk food. All fruit contains natural water, especially fruits such as watermelon, cucumbers, and oranges. The natural sugar in the fruit will help keep you alert behind the wheel without crashing and burning like you would if you ate a candy bar. Eating fruit also helps to keep you hydrated along with the water.
Wear Breathable Fabrics
What you wear can also help keep you cooler when you are driving across the country. You need to wear breathable fabrics such as cotton to help ensure that your body heat evaporates out of the fabric. Fabrics such as polyester do not breathe and make you hotter.
Spray Yourself
You can also cool yourself down by keeping a spray bottle filled with water inside your cab. Spritz yourself regularly and allow the air to flow over your wet skin. This will cool off the water on your skin and make you feel cooler as a result.
Get an AC Inspection
Finally, as we mentioned above, let us inspect your rig’s air conditioner to make sure it is working efficiently so you can rely on it all summer long. We can service the air conditioner or make any necessary repairs so you have cold air blowing in the rig’s cab.
Call Moose Jaw Truck Shop in Moose Jaw, SK, today to schedule an appointment for a full rig inspection.